Wayland Interact advisor Dr. Keely Lake, center, is flanked by Interact members, Ladin Akcacioglu, left, and Andrew Booker, right. Interact is a Rotary International service club for youth age 12 through 18. Wayland Interact is sponsored by Beaver Dam Rotary. Wayland students Akcacioglu and Booker informed the Beaver Dam Rotary of their Kids Against Hunger project. They raised over $900 to buy food and then packaged the food, including nutrient powder, dried vegetables, soy protein and white rice. They packaged enough food for 9000 meals. Some went to Ruby’s Food Pantry which serves people in Wisconsin and Minnesota and some is destined to the Waterloo, IA Rotary Club to be added onto a container to eventually end up in Chinandega, Nicaragua to provide meals for students at various schools. This project is run by the Hope and Relief Foundation of which Dave Warren is a current board member and also ran the Wayland event.